Welcome to Santa Cruz Baptist Church

Our building
7565 Sunset Way
Aptos, CA, 95003

We’re grateful that you stopped by and want you to know what to expect when you visit our church gathering.
Where do you meet? We meet at (7565 Sunset Way, Aptos, CA 95003). Come early and there will always be coffee and snacks.
Where can I park? If you are coming up Sunset Way, the easiest place to park is in the Wells Fargo parking lot. We have legal permission to park there, so you don’t have to worry about your car! If you’d like, you can also find a place to park along the street or in the small lot behind the church on Sunset Way.
What should I wear? While our approach to God is not casual, our dress code is. On a given Sunday, our style is as diverse as our people.
What about my kids? If you have children, bring them! We currently have three different settings for children ages 0-6 (Nursery, Toddlers, PreSchool & Big Kids). When you arrive, one of our amazing volunteers will help you get them checked in and name tags printed for each child. We take the safety of your children seriously and therefore require that each kid be checked in and out by a parent through our child-check in system.
After check-in, children stay in the main gathering to participate in the first part of the service before being dismissed to head to their own classes. We believe it’s important for our kids to be a part of the church as a whole and to observe their families in worship. More than that, we love that our kids actively participate in singing and praying!
What is the service like? Our service includes a Call to Worship (Usually a Psalm that directs our attention to God, distinctly and intentionally allowing Scripture to begin our gathering as the people of God), Worship Through Song (We sing the truth of who God is and what He’s done, utilizing old and new songs), Various Prayers (Confession, Praise, Thanksgiving, Pastoral, Congregational), Sermon (A 35-40 minute exposition of the Bible walking through a particular text of Scripture each week), Lord’s Supper (Also called communion, we participate in the Supper every week together as a church. More detail below), and a Benediction (A short Scriptural prayer prayed over and for the congregation before the church gathered becomes the church scattered).
Can I take the Lord’s Supper? We believe that the Lord’s Supper is for baptized Christians. If you have turned from sin and trusted Christ as the only hope of your salvation and been obedient in baptism, you are welcome to partake. While you do not need to be a member of our local church, you do need to believe the same gospel. We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a unifying meal for Christians that both looks backward in remembrance of Christ’s death and forward to the day we will feast with Jesus again in heaven.
Do I have to be a member to attend on Sunday? No. While we believe in church membership and strongly encourage all Christians to join a church as a member, all people are invited to our Sunday service. If you have questions about membership in general or joining our church specifically, we’d love to grab coffee and answer any question you may have.